Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Fine Beginning to 2010

"Conception," the painting I threatened to keep and only finished two weeks ago or thereabouts, is gone but its owners have granted me visitation rights. The sale and my warm feelings for this particular painting sparked one of those artist gab sessions between Elaine Brady Smith and me. I want to share it. Elaine is an artist/colleague/friend I turn to when I feel stuck on a piece. By the way, she was the first I turned to for feedback on "Conception" because it features collage elements and Elaine does collage better than any artist on the planet. Linda Billet was also on the consult list. Like Elaine, her personal and professional advice always causes me to think. I value Linda's eyes, her soul, her artistic gifts ... and she makes me laugh. She's positively effervescent most days.

Anyway, I am sharing our chat because Elaine said something that I know to be true and she said it in such a lovely way. Without further ado:

Me: Elaine - I think I have finally found my palette. But then again, I've gone totally "cool" with the metallic blue and purple on the funky flower piece.

Overall, there is something about earthy and warm that makes neat stuff come out of me. I am sure you understand this when I say that the warm quinacridones, raw umber and green gold cause me to feel almost magical. I watch my hands put stuff on the canvas and wonder where the heck it came from... know what I mean? Of course you do!

Elaine Brady Smith: "Oh...I just love that feeling... those moments when you look at what you have created and wonder who am I really? Those moments when you get a glimps of your own soul and it feels familiar yet so surprising. Really love being in that place!"

By the way, here's a fair rendering of "Conception" as installed in a home in Mechanicsburg, PA today.


Elaine Brady Smith said...

Thanks for the kudos Christine! You know I love to talk about art and I enjoy our running conversations via FB and emails on the subject. I too value your opinion and friendship. Here's to a creative and productive 2010!!!

Debbie Overton said...

Congratulations Christine on the sale! I love the color palette! Elaine has always had a wonderful way of expressing herself and I know having her close by is a gift you treasure.