Thursday, December 31, 2009

Power is Within YOU!

This morning, as I watched the snow fall, I read an email on the subject of health and fitness. Within that email, was tucked this little gem "it all starts in the mind, and if the mind is not ready to make it happen, it's not going to happen!"

While this is certainly true of fitness, it is also true of so much more. Relationships, business ... art making and selling.

Any of us who has set a goal and worked hard to achieve it knows this to be true. Without positive perceptions and thoughts, without work, we do not achieve. The problem is that the little gem is easy to forget when it seems like the world is conspiring against us.

I am resolved to continue on my path, knowing in my deepest self that to make something come to fruition, I must believe and I must work toward the goal(s) no matter what.

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