Thursday, July 9, 2009

Creative Economics

If only the spend, spend, ultra-left and King Spendell could do math like the hard-working Pennsylvanians and fellow Americans who have been compelled to re-do their domestic budgets, to spend much less, to find creative ways to get through these times.

As a PA taxpayer, employee and small business owner, I am infuriated that the King and his cronies have the audacity (using nice word in public blog) to put forth a proposal that raises the taxes of the working class. Aren't these guys always telling us they are the "friend of the working folk"? Give me a break! Don't insult my intelligence. Don't insult the intelligence of the Pennsylvanians who have stopped eating out, buying a little something that makes them happy or figuring out how the hell they are going to heat their homes, fill the gas tank, pay the school taxes, etc ...

"It's never a good idea to raise taxes during a recession," Wagner said. "For the sake of all Pennsylvanians, every area of state government should be carefully scrutinized to make sure they are operating efficiently and effectively, and that every tax dollar is being maximized," said Pennsylvania Auditor General Jack Wagner.

By the way, I am re-using canvases, squeezing every precious drop of paint, keeping the gallery/studio lights and air conditioning off, spending less on advertising/marketing and finding other small and big ways to spend less. For what? So the King and his minions can raise my PIT? I DON'T THINK SO!

1 comment:

Tami Weingartner said...

I hear ya girl! I'm sick of being taxed...sick of being told to spend more. Sick Sick Sick of the political BS.