Friday, January 16, 2009

Rest in Peace Andrew Wyeth

Andrew Wyeth died yesterday. Painter, introvert, storyteller, thinker, the work and world of Wyeth are things I love.

I adore him for many reasons. Here are a few of those reasons.

1. He painted who and what he wanted, critics be damned. He didn't care that his work could not be labeled as one thing or another.

2. There is much more to his work than meets the eye. Most Andrew Wyeths that I have had the honor of seeing feature a psychology of space and place, symbolism and honest beauty - real beauty, which is not always BEAUTIFUL.

3. His palette. Oh his palette. It was so of the earth.

Please, if you have not had the good fortune to know this man in life, take some time to gaze upon "Christina's World" and the landscapes, especially those involving windows.

There are so many feelings and situations he saw and told us about in a visual language that is real, timeless and of the heart.


turquoise cro said...

Is there a book about him anywhere? I'd LOVE to see more of his work! Love and prayers for him, and uh about that baklava, what did YOU have in mind, are YOU near some somewhere or know where I can get some??!! I love it!!! I haven't tried googleing it yet, maybe there will be a simple recipe on there! Thanks! hehe

Unknown said...


Yes, there are several books. Let me check on what I have read and make some recommendations.

As for baklava, I have a friend who owns a coffee shop and makes her own. It's the best. Where are located?

turquoise cro said...

West Virginia! We are neighbors!!!Hopefully, I can get some!!! mmmMMMM! My mouth is watering!! hehe